Tree Roost Tags

When bat roosts are identified in trees we mark the tree with a roost tag where possible.

Have you seen one of our trees tags and wondered what they are for?

This is the page with the answers, or some of them at least!

For general information see below, if you are a land manager and need more information regarding a specific tree roost tag please use the below contact form to get in touch with us.


Why is there a tag on this tree?

Tags are fixed to trees in which bat roosts have been confirmed to be present. The locations of the trees are logged and the tag affixed in order to ensure that should any tree works be required on site in future it is clear that a bat roost is present.

Why do bat roost locations need to be identified and marked?

Bats are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981) and the Habitats and Species Regulations (Amendment) (EU Exit) 2019 it is therefore an offence to kill, injure or disturb a bat or to destroy a bat roost. When roosts are identified through research radio tracking, as well as during commercial consultancy works by AEWC Ltd, they are marked in order to ensure that should ownership change or a new land manager take over, the location of the roosts are clearly identified in order to prevent accidental destruction.

What should I do if works are required to a tree with a tag?

If tree works are required for any reason please get in contact with us using the form below, or for urgent enquiries please call Daniel Whitby on 07764 813002 in the first instance. Daniel will be able to talk you through the process you will need to follow.

Contact Us